Sunday, June 22, 2008

Independence Day in the UK

More sightings (lots more) in the wake of the recent sightings in Cardiff, UK:

“It was circular and had a dome on top – it looked like a planet with rings. I didn’t say anything at the time because I didn’t think anyone would believe me.”

This is "theSun" though...

Friday, June 20, 2008

Police Helicopter Chases UFO Over Cardiff

Another article with more details can be found here:

"They are convinced it was a UFO. It sounds far-fetched, but they know what they saw."

The helicopter crew are said to have crossed the Bristol channel in pursuit of the UFO, but lost sight of it and had to turn back due to a fuel shortage.

Similarly, earlier in the year an elderly couple witnessed a "fly-by/dive-bomb" from an object that was about 6 meters in length:

34 billion budgeted for "secret" projects by Pentagon

From Wired:
"The latest Pentagon budget request contains a near record high level of money for classified, or "black" programs, reports the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments."
Maybe it's for a new killer bomber:

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Israel 1996 - Object in Sky

Object filmed in the sky at night in Israel in 1996:

Could just be a big balloon...

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Colares 1977

In 1977, the Brazilian island of Colares and the area of the Amazon delta were visited by flying objects of an unknown nature. Nearly all kinds of UFOs were seen, some big, some small, saucer-shaped, cigar-shaped, barrel-shaped, luminous or not.

"Wormhole" Videos

Here are some "wormhole", missile test, or CGI videos: - Supposedly filmed in Vandengburg. - Supposedly filmed in Russia. - South America?

Object filmed in South England through Binoculars

Object filmed in sky in South England. The object kind of sits there for more than 15 minutes and does not move. The object was filmed through binoculars.

This is part 8 of a series of videos. Most of the footage is quite blurry, as usual.

Here's an enlarged video version of the object:

1178...Explosion in the Sky

What did those monks see? An article from Wired:

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Backyard Hovering UFO

This gentleman filmed a hovering object near his backyard.

He explains the entire scenario in this clip, which also includes the footage. Unfortunately the "before and after" are not discussed.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Summon UFOs....Now I Said!

Prophet Yahweh ACCEPTS Challenge to Summon UFOs For ATS. Go here.

Apparently he had a "vision" that led him to accept this challenge....hmmm....

Here's what happened when the last "challenge" was formed: Fun.


Not even close to being real, but a good idea.

Thunderbirds in the Civil War: #1 and #2.

Oklahoma seeking soverignty?

"AS INTRODUCED: A Joint Resolution claiming sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States over certain powers; serving notice to the federal government to cease and desist certain mandates; and directing distribution. "

Let's see how this manifests itself, if it ever does.

Georgia tried something similar in '97:

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Southampton Black Triangle (Two Clips)

This one is actually quite interesting. It's a black triangle hovering in the sky over Southhampton.

This footage is eerily similar to the cell phone footage shot by a driver:

In the beginning of the second clip, you can barely make out something sticking out of the bottom of the object. This same appendage is clearly visible in the first clip.

Unfortunately neither clip shows the object move in a manner that would suggest it's controlled, so it's tough to say. Could just be a balloon or a kite.

Orbish Mountain Objects

Some video of two "orbs" or objects traveling through a small mountain range. Could be heavy duty balloons, although they do travel in a steady path.

Infrared Optics

Here's some daytime infrared footage of "objects" moving around in the skies: This was shot in Stirling, Scotland.

The objects appear to change direction and vary in speed. Also multiple objects can be seen together at certain times.

More videos from the same person can be found here: He's like Stan Romanek apparently.

Where in the world...

Here's a site that maps MUFON events on Google maps:

Btw, the image is a "runway" that supposedly belongs to Lockheed Martin: The article also has a link to the location of the runway on Google Maps.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

The Cruise Factor

Here's an article from (includes video footage) of what could be several cruise missiles traveling in unison at a high rate of speed. Or it could be something else, like birds. Or maybe even something more strange...

Cigars are scary.

Here's an article about two pilots and two passengers who observed two very large cigar shaped objects in the sky. This occurred last year.,,91059-1271821,00.html

Here's a TV news interview with one of the the pilots (Ray Bowyer):

Without a shadow of a doubt.

See something odd here? The shadow of the large rock does not appear to match that of the smaller rocks and rover vehicle.


Get out of my moon shot!

The following is a collection of footage and stories about black dots that appear to travel across the field of view when looking at the moon. Sounds fascinating I know...

Here's a case where a black dot travels across the field of view while filming the moon. Has some analysis as well.


Amateur astronomer account of an object that appears to travel across the field of view while "telescoping" the moon. Good thread.


Another good thread about viewing of two black dots supposedly traveling near the moon. The event happens two nights in a row then stops.


Nasa footage of a satellite traveling across the field of view of the moon. C'est tres fast.


Something passes by in the upper right corner over to the "dark side". Also it appears as though there is a shadow. CGI?


A balloon flies by with the moon in the background. You can see the balloon at the very end of the clip. The balloon is white in this one (daytime?).


This one is a bit more interesting, maybe because of the music. An object (possibly balloon) travels across the field of view of the moon and eventually changes direction. The clip was supposedly filmed by an amateur Italian astronomer who says he met with a French astronomer to do some analysis. The conclusion was that it was a balloon about 4-5 miles up into the atmosphere. Could be.

Jingle, jangle, is that another triangle?

"This was taken in the summer of 1999. We were traveling across the Mojave Desert miles away from anything besides the occasional white rocks that mark the edge of the military area (no fence, but you know not to cross that line). We stopped near a bush on a small rise to get a drink and were facing west. A plane like nothing we'd ever seen before came from the north, turned in a steep bank just before crossing the white boarder and started coming right at us. When it banked we got a clear view of the plane, triangular, no tail. It was being followed by a small chase plane. I turned on my digital camera and was able to take that picture as they flew past us. There was almost no noise other than the chase plane and as you can see in the picture, they were almost level with us. We were worried that they'd seen us and that there would be a military vehicle showing up at any moment. We covered the last 10 miles or so to the nearest highway and tried to look like just another car driving north. Nobody stopped us, so we assume that the bush we had stopped by had blocked us from their view (it was in just about the right position).

So, there you have it. I assume this was some sort of stealth fighter being tested, but I have no idea what model."

This was borrowed from:

Going...going...polygon! (Having 3 sides)

Do 3 dots of white light in the night sky get your blood flowing? If yes, you'll like this collection of "black triangle" footage.

A "TR3B" filmed in Somerset, England in 1998. Later in the clip the footage is "analyzed" by ILM Oscar winner Bill George: Footage is quite shaky.


More distant lights in the night sky. But this time "it's spinnin'". Unfortunately not a single reference point is visible, except of course another dim light.


Streisand and a UFO sighting. And it's not an episode from South Park. The light appears to reflect a bit from whatever is above it. As usual it's not very clear.


A collection of "black triangles" in the dark night sky...kind of a mix of television stuff and user submitted footage. The most interesting footage I think is at 4:50, mostly because the triangle lights can be seen with several reference points such as street lights and a person's head and camera.


More triangulation for your brain nation. Filmed from a bedroom (or maybe not). Contains reference points but the lights don't really do anything.


Yay, more triangle lights but with a "Fox 13" watermark for increased reputability. These lights rotate and a "helicopter" (or a helicopter light) can be seen in front of the triangular lights.


Something different...this appears to be birds moving in unison. Interesting.

Does this work?

Apparently it does. The space station is cool. Now back to work!