Saturday, June 14, 2008

Get out of my moon shot!

The following is a collection of footage and stories about black dots that appear to travel across the field of view when looking at the moon. Sounds fascinating I know...

Here's a case where a black dot travels across the field of view while filming the moon. Has some analysis as well.


Amateur astronomer account of an object that appears to travel across the field of view while "telescoping" the moon. Good thread.


Another good thread about viewing of two black dots supposedly traveling near the moon. The event happens two nights in a row then stops.


Nasa footage of a satellite traveling across the field of view of the moon. C'est tres fast.


Something passes by in the upper right corner over to the "dark side". Also it appears as though there is a shadow. CGI?


A balloon flies by with the moon in the background. You can see the balloon at the very end of the clip. The balloon is white in this one (daytime?).


This one is a bit more interesting, maybe because of the music. An object (possibly balloon) travels across the field of view of the moon and eventually changes direction. The clip was supposedly filmed by an amateur Italian astronomer who says he met with a French astronomer to do some analysis. The conclusion was that it was a balloon about 4-5 miles up into the atmosphere. Could be.

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